Irregardless is indeed a word - and was made such a few years ago much to the chagrin of those amongst us who try to preserve the integrity of the English language. Next thing you know, ex-presso will be a word. Then it all goes to hell.
Irregardless is indeed a word - and was made such a few years ago much to the chagrin of those amongst us who try to preserve the integrity of the English language. Next thing you know, ex-presso will be a word. Then it all goes to hell.
Most likely they have been doing this for a bit and buyers complained.
I edited for clarification. The hilarious part to me is that this thing is on the better half of a million dollars and they couldn’t figure out a fancy way to get to the roof. So I’m left imagining some dude in a tuxedo climbing the ladder with a table in tow.
It looks like a garbage truck:
P.T. Barnum was right.
But we’re pc now so it can’t be cp, just nd, but that’s nbd because iykyk.
This looks like it drives just wonderfully.
Jfc, I hope Jones and Pawlak sue this county into oblivion
According to the Daily Beast, it was some bizarre tipster:
Yup. This is your periodic reminder, in case you are ever on a jury, that the two most worthless pieces of “evidence” are eyewitness testimony and confessions. The cops can get pretty much anyone to confess to anything if they want to.
Why did he stop there? He should have got full retro and had it drawn by a team of horses.
Electrical load budgets are no joke. Nearly every electrical input rely on a specified range of resistance supplied by a specific voltage usually with in the 5 Volt range. Anything that pulls from the voltage of a given circuit and changes the output voltage from the inputs can send the wrong signal to the intended…
It’s kind of stupid.. and while I don’t love it, I think it’s okay.
Are you mad at people long dead for maintaining a river name that is apparently a reference to the Cherokee chief that controlled the area?
Maybe it was the river what killed the calf.... hence the name.
This comment was written by someone over the age of 45.
Tesla has been around since 2003, and sold its first cars in 2008. How many years do they need before they can be said to have overcome their “growing pains”?
It’s so stupid. I love it.
This is unsurprising. See these kinds of issues all the time with hardwired accessories. Dash cams, radar, rear seat entertainment, etc. Luckily not to the extent that it ruins a mirror. But causes all kinds of weird electrical gremlins. And usually the issue is they tapped into a circuit that just turned a test light…
Doug has done more for car culture than damn near anybody. He’s gotten people who had previously had no interest in cars excited. And that has value.