General Purpose

I’d be interested to know where the $30,400 number came from for the Silverado. The Lighting is listed as $39,970, which is the pre-tax credit price, so do they really think a Silverado will be $30,400 BEFORE tax credit. If the $12,500 credit passes, it will be $18k? Cheaper MSRP than the Bolt? $9k cheaper than the

At first I was thinking that maybe there was pressure to produce that came from the either her employer or the navy but this

So you’re telling me the left lane is for passing only, correctly cite that many states (my own included) have this on the books as law, but I’m to consider this a myth? It’s law here. You get ticketed for it.

The number of people in that comment section defending drivers hitting cyclists was disgusting.

He’s probably the same guy who thinks running over bicyclists is a sport.

Sure, yeah, people protesting for civil rights are totally the same thing as idiots who make their cars spin.

So NYC sometime between the end of WWII and the fall of Twin Towers?

I personally love the styling of the last generation of Firebird. Dream-car-as-a-kid love it. Would drive one if they weren’t so overpriced. In yellow with black wheels, so good. So yeah, styling, it’s subjective. Or maybe I have bad taste, Torch is the one with formal art education and experience.

Why don’t they just start manufacturing gasoline too since their vehicles need it to run?

You must know something that all the OEM’s combined don’t know!  You should apply for a job!

This is ironic because people like Shilling spouting non-sense is not “helping America” by writing uninformed lazy dip-shit throwaway sentences like that. It’s almost as if it the exact opposite of the inclusivity and tolerance that is stamped on the flag he oddly and proudly bears.

This has to be one of the most intelligent comments I’ve ever read on Jalopnik. Thank you for that.

A temporarily embarassed Republican.

Don’t bother with that both-sides bullshit. It’s lazy and dishonest.

They are concerned about the very large monetary impacts of the proposed legislation.

yeah you’re still a republican

Manchin and Sinema hardly qualify as centrists. And the problem with their demands was that they didn’t seem to have clear demands that would get them on board with any policy agenda, leaving the rest of the party to scramble to make concessions in the dark. Saying “no” to everything isn’t centrism. Saying “no” to

tbf - i really am well traveled in this country and western europe and i ahve hit some spots in this country that have skeeved me the fuck out too. Thinking of a stop i made in Idaho a few years ago where the open carry, rebel flag flying guys drinking beers in the parking lot outnumbered the rest of us.

I knew some Dutch persons who openly detested the anglophone tendency to call the Netherlands Holland. 

The ‘09 Nissan Versa I owned allowed you to precisely control window opening also: it had manual winders.