General Purpose

First of all, calm down, dude. Targeted marketing is almost always cringe, and this is no exception. And your post reads like a white person telling black people how to react. If that is not your intention, I suggest you proofread your posts.

Code the flight control system to a max altitude of like, 20 feet, and you won’t need a chute. It’ll still suck if you crash but at least you’ll bounce instead of spread.

Maybe this article is one to read and learn from instead of chastising the writer with a perspective different from yours.

For fux sake they hired a black-lady owned business to do this black-centric marketing why can’t you just be happy with that regardless of how ‘cringy’ it makes you feel golly gee willikers” is what I’m hearing

My point is Lawrence is trying to speak for all black people which is precisely the type of behavior we are trying to eradicate;

jesus christ the lame dad vibe in this thread is strong

I’m going to have disagree with the Cavalier sentiment. I had lots of friends with those and Sunfires in high school and college. They broke down all the time. They cost pennies to fix, but that doesn’t make them indestructible. It just makes them cheap to fix.

She seemed very graceful in the face of idiotic questions.

The Oldsmobile Alero? wtf? These will definitely not keep on going. They are prone to rust ( in climate with harsher winters for example ) and they had numerous break and suspension issues. 

The comments here are bizarre. Brundle couldn’t come up with anything better than to ask her to rap for him? Come on. He didn’t ask Stiller to do funny impressions or Shaq to dribble. Why are you asking Megan to perform for your amusement? Dipshit.

I get that she’s just there to be a celeb and be seen, but maybe

Fair, but you’d think if you’re going to bother to go you’d at least look up one name.

OK, you come back from bankruptcy and you want to be a viable corporation with future growth, what else can you do but go electric? Duh. What I recall that’s comparable is back in the Nineties when Bill Gates saw the writing was on the wall for how the Internet was taking over software, so he slammed every Microsoft pr

I’m not sure this is great from a business-travel perspective, which is when I typically rent cars. I’m already juggling a bunch of priorities when booking my travel, and coordinating recharge stations is not something I want to add to that list.

It is unclear what these fans will do after the 2021 season.

Union workers are much more comfortable saying, “This is not ok, I am not doing this, do I need to call my union representative?” Non-Union workers are much more easily pressured to just do what the boss says even after pointing out unsafe things.

Uhh, you might want to do a little research and reassess your thesis that New Mexico is a “Republican” state. 

New Mexico is by no means a red state. If you look both senators, 2/3 congressmen, and the governor are all Democrats. The film industry boom there actually started under Bill Richardson’s governorship. However, it has always been one of the poorest states, has a fairly low population, not a lot of natural resources,

I might be misremembering another company’s features, but I believe Ford said their EV telematics included the ability to generate monthly reporting on any at-home charging done, so employees who did bring their work EV’s home could be reimbursed for expenses.

If you live in a jurisdiction where the vendor can print out a form with a price and get you to sign it, then the vendor later says “lol nope, we increased the cost, and since the new costs aren’t on the form you signed, you don’t have any consumer rights”, then maybe that jurisdiction needs better consumer-protection

Serious question here... does this vehicle honestly need to exist? So you want a people carrier and an off-roader and have $67k blowing a hole in your pocket? Why not just get a $33.5k minivan and a $33.5k wrangler and get the best of both worlds?  How often does it occur to people that its a good idea to load up 17