General Halfshaftery

If that mamby pamby male model nonchalantly demonstrated one more of the car's features i was prepared to open a vein. That plus the fact it's french.


LOL @ the evil frenchman mustache in the eBay link.

I can't help but think that even Saab doesn't want to go ahead with production right now and lose untold thousands per copy.

See now this is one of those perfect "YOUR MOM?!"


Upon clicking on my profile this evening i noticed that four esteemed Jalopnik readers chose to click my heart and follow me today. As a result i've stolen a People's Choice award off Oprah's mantle while she's in D.C.

How much for the anti-termite package?

To add insult to injury they should call it a fuel surcharge.

Who's to blame? Look no further than the producers of D.C. Cab for choosing not to make any sequels.

This does not look good, for Homestar Runner.

Now beyond the reach of Robocop's son.

"Pardon me, i can't hear you! I have to hand crank this $23,000 window down"

The article reminded me about the Camaro, so I would like to start a rumour:

The noise barrier wall and suburban rooftops take away from the mystique somewhat.

I actually read that story on Monday. I don't think he's referring to the Segway but other inventions instead. He considers the Segway a success.