General Halfshaftery

Found on road dominating?

Okay fine yes, but leaves me a little uncomfortable as it's a rare instance of Honda following instead of its more typical innovator track record.

While learning to drive, pulling into a gas station which catered to cabs where a propane fueling hose was literally stuck open and flying all over the place.

So now just two more restyles before it looks right.

"and miles to go before this sells"

She was headed to the McCain acceptance speech afterparty.


To me, "them" refers to photographs of Mr. Hanky the Christmas poo contained therein.

A good read, and i agree with almost all of the choices, except for #5 on the list, the 1991-1995 Saturn. I remember the trashy engine reviews, and GMs almost yearly attempt to further muffle the noise with firewall blankets etc, but other than that i think Saturn was the only thing right with GM in that period. Not

I love auto wreckers! Can we have a Canadian satellite hunt at Standard here in Toronto?!

Any automaker that removes its presense from a North American autoshow may save some money doing so, but they're also sending a message loud and clear: "Our products are not desirable enough to sell compared to others" and therefore make their cars less appealing. It's simple.

Hay watch the paint job!!

The passenger looks like a real hoot.