
it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

i appreciate when athletes gut it out for their team. i do the same thing at work. like last week when i suffered a compound fracture to my femur as well as a serious head injury while i was trying to roller blade down the stairs. within an hour of the horrific injury i was in a team meeting coughing up blood and

The two party system is a beautiful thing. Tell me how much you like extra parties when they New Trump Populist party wins with 37% support.

Is this sports?

what a lot of people don’t know is that james carville is actually just the “fruiting body” of a much larger underground organism

We’ve actually discussed a blog that discloses who each staffer is voting for, not because it’d be interesting but just in the sake of transparency. Do you, readers, think there’s any value in doing something like that?

Sooooo...... no mention of the guy on the right being Sean Hannity after getting his head run over by a jeep?

They’re basically Milford Men

Creamwich is a sex position in a Buffalo parking lot.

My assumption is that part of Hillary’s debate prep involves her giving a canned answer while a staffer playing the role of Trump stands off to the side with a Taboo buzzer that they press at random intervals.

A gun is just a license to be paranoid.

Pablo Sandoval will follow a similar path after his retirement with his line of men’s tarps.

Holy shit am I excited to watch Rick Ross talk about Mo Vaughn!

buncha big bad potato boys filled with the blood of a thousand angry weasels swattin the pelota around the yard when they aren’t strikeZoning some hapless homonids is what I always say

When doing self-checkout at the grocery store, do you bag each item after you scan it, or do you set the items aside and bag them all as a group when you’re done with the whole batch?

It’s almost as if he’s aware of the value of his profile and his image and wants to use it to make a political point.

Graft versus Host disease is real my friends...

There sure are a lot of Carolinas.

in comes the cunt punt team