
You’re statistically pretty safe unless you’re immuno-compromised in some way (anti-rejection drugs, HIV, etc.) or if you’ve had a bone marrow transplant.  Having suffered through the actual infection running its course is more exposure than probably scores of vaccinations could provide.  You may have even bolstered

I think we need a fact check on the cellphone thing.  Maybe congregants didn’t have cellphones on them or with them or turned on, but even some of the strictest interpretations of torah law will give you a pass to call 911 if somebody’s just been shot on the sabbath.

This, a million stars for this.

Necro bump because:


...wait to draw conclusions...

I, for one, welcome our krite overlords.

The wireless carriers need faster speeds because so much of their current strategies rely on selling bigger data plans - ultimately, people only spend so many hours of the day using their phones, and if the higher throughput isn’t there, there will be no way to justify bigger & more expensive data plans, not to

Weirdly, a couple weeks ago my Samsung Note 9 got an AT&T Over-the-air update, and after the reboot there was a nifty little 5G logo next to the cell signal bars. I immediately fired off some speed tests and was underwhelmed. Now, I see I’m somehow within 5G coverage almost every where I go in the area, which I know

I saw this being touted recently at FLL and LAX - they were shagging customers out of the regular security checkpoint line to come join the service for a free trial and get instant priority checkpoint access. My spidey sense immediately tingled, and I wondered “where do they get the facial recognition data from to

You mean good ole Moo-mar, praises be upon him, right?

Ugh.  I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that “holy week” is probably one of the busiest times for tourists at the cathedral, and the conservation/reconstruction work was probably on an altered schedule because of this - either of which would be perfectly plausible explanations for an accidental fire.  But no,

This.  The “think of the children” nonsense has even been called out publicly by tumblr as specifically NOT being the reason for this move (though I think it made for a great excuse to get the ball rolling on this with the urgency we’re seeing here)

First: nudity =/= pornography, regardless of the gender identity of the subject (“female-presenting nipples” ?!?!). That we’ve taken our natural, unadorned forms and turned them into taboo is already part of the problem here.

“Adult” content is a big chunk of the interactions on tumblr (clicks, likes, reblogs, whatever) and interactions are about one of the only metrics that matters to advertisers and investors. With tumblr being such a big chunk of “active and engaged users” for the new Oath entity, their parent as of January 1, I

Purely crunching numbers may make tumblr’s user base seem pretty balanced, like only a fraction of the users post or reblog or otherwise engage with “adult” content, but in reality, the adult content is the section of tumblr that was actually lively, thriving and growing. You can’t make a business out of cat memes and

To my point though, take Bill Cosby for instance...he was brilliant, his stuff was so funny and beloved by so many, but now I would go out of my way to make sure that man never makes another cent off of my support...and he was actually TALENTED. So who is supporting this Takeshi crap, when there was barely anything

I’m assuming it’d take something more than just monkey DNA to get a Pred-a-pet with 6 limbs, so the Predator DNA lab scenes probably got cut for being a bunch of hard-to-follow science-y stuff (a montage maybe?).  There also seems to have been a further story behind the Pred-a-dogs and the earth dog, but something

Did #45 sign those with a magic marker?  Did it also look like he was trying extra hard not to mess up signing his own name?

At what point is an artist just so brilliant that you’d overlook the fact they’re a convicted pedophile rapist and go on giving them money by buying their music and tickets to their shows and whatnot? I mean, this guy is trash, his work is meh, and yet he’s still selling music and merch and tickets for his tour dates