Boy, I didn't know the screaming man painting was painted by JLONG, nor that it was painted in 2004. How fascinating.
Boy, I didn't know the screaming man painting was painted by JLONG, nor that it was painted in 2004. How fascinating.
@goatsitter: I wasn't suggesting an entire relocation of a city. I was suggesting stricted building codes and restrictions during typhoon season or whatever they have.
I understand Kitamura's inspiration, but he's approaching this wrong. Storm's are part of what makes an ecosystem.
Judging by the shadows, the shots were taken by a difference of at least a few hours.
@Unholy_Hero: It appears it is only a concept for now, made by people in Amsterdam. So even if it was in production, it'd have to be shipped internationally...
Now THAT is the type of picture he needs at his funeral reception. Nothing short of badass.
@morphoyle: Are you kidding? iPhones are too mainstream.
My girlfriend recently transferred from our university up to UF, in Gainesville. It's about a 5-6 hour drive from here now, so it'd be nice to send her one of these as a gift :)
@NotEuroTrash: Yet they're selling millions and millions. Go figure
They only include ONE orb in the package?
@Zinger314: Actually, if I recall correctly, it costs Netflix LESS to stream than to ship DVDs.
@KamWrex: I see, I think Nitesh Singh got it right - I may have confused it with their no sugar/carbs claim.
@Secretone: I thought I was the only one. Wakes me right up in the mornings.
@Graviton1066: yech
@KamWrex: Actually, I'm pretty sure it's advertised heavily that those 5-hour energy bottles do NOT have caffeine; It's all vitamins and whatnot.
No mirrors? No deal.
@mricyfire: Not to prod on your beliefs, but if humans just sat on our asses without the slightest curiosity for answers to our questions, then we wouldn't be any better than neanderthals.
Are they seriously implying that it's not appropriate to text while on the crapper?
So is his value a little less now that Gmail has Priority Inbox?
@hurbieta: $13.50? Shit.