
There's got to be a way to get around this place without having to walk...

"Blending with its surroundings surroundings"

How did your proofreader miss that one? The cases are made from plants, not plnats.

Once Apple ditches AT&T I'll come crawling back to the iPhone

What the hell, this thing is a whole other power brick...

@LosAlamos: Is that you trying to witty? I'm not sure if it's working.

I never understood the attraction of the Blackberry OS. Everytime I play with one I feel like I'm using a mobile version of Windows 95.

@coldfuzion: If I want to get wasted, I'd rather take shots. Maybe that's just me, though. I do like a good-tasting beer, though.

I've never been too big of a fan of beer. Too many calories in return for some alcohol and taste. And you can't have taste and little calories.

If they want less openings, how about getting rid of that huge 30-pin connection on the bottom of all their devices?

"[...]Avatar, and other highly-renowned games"

I think I would rather be in solitary confinement in a supermax prison rather than be in that Bieber-infested room...*shiver*

It's a good thing I have a garage, then.

@NNeeiiLLL: Well I wasn't referring to only cookies. I delete everything except for saved passwords.

I just set Firefox to automatically clear all private data when closed. Not only does it speed up performance in the long run, but I never have to worry about snooping around my history.

Why doesn't Steve Jobs just patent the patenting process?

*new wallpaper*

I knew the urine that I've been storing will be useful in the future!