
Someone want to explain to me why I couldn't just buy a 250GB Hard Drive from Newegg and fit it into the casing? All I'd have to do is use that old transfer cable, no?

But it's still gonna work on AT&T

Great article.

A...spiral? From the urethra!?

@Jsqrd: I wouldn't higher you either.

Maybe it's that rumored iPad Mini.

@Vrank92: Great explanation. Better than anything any Best Buy employee has blabbed on about.

Wow, Jobs must be ecstatic. If I recall correctly, he's been wanting to tear that house down for decades.

So what exactly is the real-world advantage of having an OLED TV? I have a Samsung LED TV already, so what does OLED to for me?

@erillanos: How about you go smoke a bear out, to find out?

@Snow leopard: It's because Angelina Jolie has DEM LIPS

If I'm doing anything that requires one or more hands, I just switch to bluetooth. Unless of course I'm in public, so I don't look like a freakin' lunatic.

@Marcel Maynard: Bah, that's Broward county, who cares about them? ;)

That sort of thing happens down here in South FL. 305-ers (212 equivalent) hate 786-ers (the newer area code).

At the very least, it would match the iPhone's black design better than Apple's white dock/cables.

My '08 Honda Civic also has this horn. I avoid using it at all costs. I prefer the more deliberate middle finger.

"and—inexplicably—Spider-Man costumes"

It gets me antsy that he only has one thing in the dock.