
Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?

That’s exactly the problem. The OP wants a fully fledged console/pc game that you buy once and then buy expansions for.

If you had said “All the Bravest” I might have had to stab you.

Isn’t it a mobile game? This is pretty much what 99% of mobile games are.

How about fuck all of the above?

Fuck guns and fuck the NRA and fuck anyone who supports the NRA.

I disagree on thousand needles. That goblin boat thing is the worst.
I hope the next cataclysm kills the goblins.

You can’t post an image on the internet and expect it to not be reposted somewhere if it clicks with someone. Doesn’t matter if it’s not fair, that’s just real life.

Now we know where all the Hanzo mains come from.

You should always consider money you put in a Kickstarter gone. You might get your rewards back out, but you might not. Too many people view this as a way to pre-order a game they want, then get upset when it falls through. It was never an investment vehicle.

Another point: after 10 hours of play I can honestly say this is a super overreaction. By and large the animations are serviceable with only a handful of extremely minor NPCs suffering from very poorly done animations.

You’re so mad right now.

Um, I’m not trying to sound like a d-bag, but outside of the under age girl, what is the problem here? I’m not quite understanding why they have to be benched for that.

Apparently Ethan Winters never played Silent Hill 2, or he would have known that nothing good comes from mysterious messages from wives who died/went missing.

you must be ripped

Yeah I really enjoyed that one, solid combat and platforming, it must have been OK cause I get bored and don’t finish many games. I finished Dante’s Inferno.

It wasn’t THAT bad. Granted, it put the poem and the history around it through a shredder (Dante as Kratos is... very, very wrong, let’s say), and I wouldn’t have used the Carey translation in a video game, but it was fun and it had some memorably disturbing creature design and some good jokes scattered around (the

Or, you could just not have kids you cannot afford.

No, no, it’s a white man playing the god of the Egyptians. Mighty whitey indeed! :P

Guiness could use battery acid and ground unicorn horn for all I care. That shit is delicious