
yeah this was soapy and I watched the first three seasons of true blood with no problem… why the fuck was helen there? no but really? are we to assume that cole never pulled a gun on her then? because who goes to the wedding of the man who pulled a gun on you and your children? what the hell kind of tomfoolery is

I just thought it was a supremely douchey rich person thing of her to do

why can Louie be a comedy and a drama and this can't? I'm liking the new directions, the show has always wanted its audience to have an emotional involvement with it and I love the moments with true human stuff happening instead of just straight jokes… it's not as if the show itself has gotten any less funny, it's as

Dominic West is sexy. Have you seen the curve of his back and that ass? Case closed. Byeee

that boner shot scarred me tbh… the only thing worse than that has been blackjack randall's straight up penis flapping around on starz… not that I mind a penis flapping around, but context and who it belongs to play a huge part

The only character I'm starting to care about on this show is Helen (thanks in very large part to how good Maura Tierney is)… Cole will never not be boring, and everyone else is just so WAYYYY over the top that Maura Tierney (sorry Helen) is starting to seem like the only real character/ "person" on this show… I'm

Everyone is terrible! - The Affair

the director is the manager of those managers, give me a break I went to film school *peace* :'D

Those people saying "he's the director, he should get what he wants and it is everyone else's fault that he isn't" really don't know much about making movies. You so rarely get exactly what you want, it's entirely your job to be the one finding solutions to problems, and working and compromising with people, BECAUSE

Scarjo, or Diane Keaton

PTA I agree with, except for There Will Be Blood which is the only movie of his I actually like, and an unquestionable classic. Except for The Prestige and maybe half of Dark Knight I just can't get into or even like Chris Nolan, the dude bores me.

What a horrendous ill informed review. Quote from Dolan perfectly explaining his decision for the aspect ratio

this is such a stupid review and the comments are even worse

I'm confused, wasn't Jay Baruchel originally in this movie? I distinctly remember him being in this? Or did he get the Terrence Malick treatment?

I guess you can read a lot into a little… I don't know. I wasn't saying it was a problem of no dialogue either, I was saying it was a problem of direction, visually the director never gave me a chance to start caring and connecting with the characters, he was only concerned with putting whatever he thought looked cool

a) this movie had overt and obvious exposition
b) I worry for your reading comprehension because you're replying to something I didn't write
c) i'm an ex film student i fucking know that film is a visual medium
d) visually this film did very little to impress me

I'm saying it wasn't even an interesting enough explosion movie, it was boring and repetitive, it wasn't shot in a way that was particularly compelling.

This movie was made off a storyboard with a few words on it and you could really tell. There wasn't a script to speak of. I didn't give a shit about Max, Imperiosa or whatever the fuck Charlize was called, the breeding women, or the fighter women, or anyone, none of the characters registered as anything more than the

Now for the important questions, is Fassbender showing his penis in this? Either way I'm here for it.

I'd like to chime in on the hate fest ( actually it seems like most of the commenters haven't seen this show) and say that I really don't mind this show, I actually kind of like it… but steve coogan being a miserable asshole kind of turns me on so there's also that