Uh... you sure it’s not Bethesda who’s been working with those PC players?
Uh... you sure it’s not Bethesda who’s been working with those PC players?
I for one am shocked that the woman who spent more time criticizing and demeaning AOC and pals than actually doing her job and holding Trump in check doesn’t take his racism that seriously.
Woah... it isn’t? Well shit. I wish we’d had forewarning that this strategy doesn’t work. *looks at entirety of Obama administration*
Yes. Let’s pretend that anything that’s happening right isn’t entirely because Trump has spent the last few years antagonizing Iran and tore up the deal that they were okay with simply to spite Obama.
One of Trump’s (extremely few) saving graces is that he seems to be too lazy/scared of committing to a war. So I suspect that Bolton might not have as much staying power as he did during say the Bush administration where the bloodlust was pretty high.
No. No we really don’t.
That sure is weird.
Credit where it’s due (for once) to Nancy Pelosi. Too bad it’s literally illegal. What a fucking crock.
It’s almost as if her husband’s outrage is performative rather than philosophical.
What could have possibly led you to believe that her husband is woke?
She’s not really criticizing them. She’s just mad that she has to be on the defensive.
Considering her husband Ben Domino’s Pizza is a pro-Trump sycophant too, she’s not really a great Never Trumper like she seems to think. Even so though... when all of the major Republicans are circling the wagons, it seems like there’s some form of implicit if not explicit support there...
News flash: the public officials don’t care if you boycott them. They’re not the ones suffering.
You realize this isn’t 2008 anymore right? Times have shifted and so have the goals. A public option should have been a stepping stone. But Obama and Pelosi couldn’t even get that right and fucked it up. Medicare for All also wasn’t even something we could have conceived of as a party platform at that time. The fact…
You seriously think Lindsey Graham needs motivation to be a sniveling asshole?
I’m glad to see that having things like morals and ethics aren’t important to you. Don’t change the opinions of people around you, just morph to what you think your constituents want. Gutless cowards like you are why Trump will win.
Yes the same Pelosi who publicly complains about these same 4 Democrats repeatedly.
You’re going out of your way to ignore that a lot of these same Democrats support cops, voted for fucking concentration camps, and refuse to move on Trump or the Republican Party. Let’s not pretend the comparison isn’t apt just because they’re black.
Woah. Who knew that an old-school Democrat who’s been fat and well fed for decades wouldn’t want to mess up their money machine?
The only difference is we’ll all be in a better place once progressive Dems sweep away the trash.