
I’m just here for the hot takes from people whining about HamNo.

I like how everyone forgot about Netanyahu showing up to condemn Obama in Congress without consent and with a last-minute warning.

If you’d written this for say... Veep, it would’ve probably read as unbelievable. But here we are. Omar tweets about how America has been corrupted by AIPAC money. She gets condemned as anti-semitic. The next day AIPAC tries to use that fervor to get more money to corrupt American politicians. Go figure.

Which has essentially always been the position of Israel itself so...

People will bend over backwards to defend shitheels like John McCain no matter what. It’s one of those universal constants.

They are not. But that’s the general call to arms people love to evoke except for when it’s the likes of Pelosi doing the stabbing.

Oh baby you bet.

Or... no?

Hey look. When will the Left stop being a circular firing squad? I think it’s great that Queen Bae Pelosi finally found a bi-partisan activity that the entire family can take part in.

The Right which includes a man who once called Neo-Nazis very fine people and Kevin McCarthy who accused three different wealthy Jewish men of buying the election might be hypocritical in their condemnation of what’s questionably at best antisemitism? *gasp*

You see, they’re just financially embarrassed.

That’s what gets my goat. If the company isn’t doing well... one would assume leadership should have to live with a little less, not everyone else. It’s not like 65 million is the difference between being on the street or not...

So they have fifteen mil to give to a CFO just for taking the job, but they can’t afford to keep employees around? Sounds reasonable. 

Don’t you have a boot to lick? 

It’s called motherfucking capitalism in action baby.

That is some insane doubletalk right here:

“What is Meghan McCain Thinking?”
Well your first problem is that last word.


The amount of fucks that could be given about Chelsea Clinton ever is... well why is this even up?

They’re making a movie based around creatures that appeared in a fraction of movies and in barely a handful of comics?
Sure, why not?