
And yet that company was somehow less evil than the real Amazon.

I mean really the only drones that should be involved with Amazon are the Reaper drones going down on Bezos’s volcano lair.

Is it really alleged when he got nailed for running a pedo ring?

“Turned into” implies they haven’t always been this way.

Nope. This is as American as it gets.

I wish I could give this comment 100 stars.

I’d argue Ivanka is Goku in that she’s the annoying and unquestioned lead. But... BUT Meghan just manages to come back from the brink every time it looks like she’s been left behind with a new powerup.

Or when her response to Democrats taking back control of the house was to... immediately promise bipartisanship and playing nice with the same people who’ll inevitably shiv her the first chance they get.

Depressing but inevitable as long as there was no real challenger or appetite for attack from the left.

Every time you think Ivanka has hit the peak of white feminist privilege, Meghan McCain manages to find a new level beyond Super Saiyan like she’s Vegeta or something.

There’s an ICE Employee Code of Conduct? I just assumed killing and maiming whoever you wanted was one of those unspoken rules and the only one at that.

Chuck Schumer is incapable of doing anything but cracking at the first sign of resistance so...

I’m pretty sure she already made her priorities clear when she signaled she’s open for Bi-Partisanship™ and won’t pursue any path toward impeachment.

Not for nothing, but it wouldn’t kill anyone to put a title on these mini-posts. Makes it easier to access the comments and the like y’know?

And he hasn’t been relevant in decades. You see the issue here?

Thank god that white feminism is there to let Ivanka Be Best.

Which does shitall for the people who lost their jobs or Detroit which GM has gladly abused its relationship to for years. Trump is a disingenuous asshole, but the notion that GM is free and clear of any guilt here is a lie too.

I mean I’m not Muslim, but an A for Effort. Also doesn’t change the inherent bigotry here.

Who said I was defending him? And the subject is that Mazzie was comparing to Israel to your embarrassing dad. Except y’know there’s a world of difference between your dad being am embarrassing slob and your dad being a violent bigot.

Asking whether you can muster a critique of Israel that doesn’t flatten their violence into “Oh what a cad” is not the same as defending Louis Farrakhan. I suppose asking if you’re capable of a nuanced critique is a hopeless cause with you, isn’t it?