
The Field Notes link goes to that sites Cart.

BTW, I washed my towels with a tablespoons worth of soap (instead of the half cup), and they finally smell half decent. Thanks a million.

The footage wasn't shot in slo-mo, so they (Deadspin) converted it to slow-mo after the fact. I'm guessing that's just the crappiness of doing something like this after the fact, instead of actually shooting something at higher frames per second.

I have a G500 and before that I had a Razer Deathadder. I loved the Razer more than the Logitech, but the Logitech is still solid. Note that the Razer died after a few years of service. I haven't had the Logitech as long as I had the Razer when it died yet, but so far so good.

When I saw Stafford lining up, I was yelling at a Cowboys that it was gonna be a fake (bare with me, this isn't gonna be an Easterbrook-like jerkoff about my clairvoyant ways). I was so mad that they couldn't see it coming (picked the Cowboys in the office pool). What I wonder is, how many of these little calls do we

If you are planning on buying a Sonos, PM me and I'll send you the link so you can get a free Bridge. That way, I'll get some sort of points. Everyone wins.

The Gawker sites are the worst for this since the update a few years ago. I hate when sites have weird buffers surrounding text that make highlighting super difficult. But yeah, I do this all the time, and I do it super fast. Like I can be doing it while I'm reading, but not even on the paragraph that I'm reading. I

I waited in line for GTA V. It was a decent experience. I could have gone without it exactly at midnight, but I wanted to see what midnight launches were all about.

Been eating Nutella since the 90s. The hype might be new, but this thing isn't going anywhere. Nutella is delicious. Also, so was fluff. Goober can go fuck itself.

I need my next phone to have a wood back, so looks like I'm getting a Moto X this fall. If not that, definitely a Nexus 5. Whichever comes first (guessing it's a new Nexus, but fingers crossed that Moto drops the AT&T exclusivity and gives the people what they want).

My backup these days is syncing. I have some backups from my PC on a HD somewhere, but that's definitely not up to date. I lost my Android phone last month, but I haven't been worried besides the part where I have to replace it. Everything is synced. I'm waiting for PCs to get to the same level as mobiles.

I use a wallet from Hardgraft which itself if quite stylish. The newer ones are similar to this. I love my wallet. Before this, I used to carry my wallet in my back pocket, but no longer. The only thing is the Hardgraft doesn't handle cash very well.

Yes. It just doesn't make sense to pay for cable until they allow me to complete. I love sports, but I'll live with it. The Madden 25 deal from Amazon is going to make it a bit easier for now. People who continue to pay for cable are just holding up the traditional models of consumption just a bit longer. The old ways

You also realize that she's wearing a mouthguard right?

Any idea when the new Maps app and Maps web app will launch? Eagerly awaiting that.

it's not like we go walking around the restroom with out pants down

This is what makes what Google is doing so awesome; split Android into multiple apps that can all be updated independently. I think this will allow Google to really step it up now that things like the default keyboard are on the market. Something that would have had to wait for the full system update now gets updated

Hey Shibbs, what up?

If you're an Android user, skip the Sonos. Sonos doesn't read your Google Play Music library, whether it's on your phone or not. This is extremely frustrating. Whether it's Sonos' or Google's fault, that doesn't matter. I'm waiting to see what Google will release as the new Nexus Q like device that they registered at

If Google re-releases a Q like device with a built in speaker, I will sell my Sonos in a heartbeat and get that. I'm sick and tired of companies treating Android users as second class citizens, and what Sonos has put out as an Android app is just an utter failure. I don't even care that it can't read my Play Music