You also realize that she's wearing a mouthguard right?
You also realize that she's wearing a mouthguard right?
Hey Shibbs, what up?
D. All of the above
See, here's how I see it; Microsoft came in to this current generation with one of the worst pieces of hardware (initially) that we've ever seen in a consumer electronics device. Not just game consoles, but electronics. A console generation can easily last 5 years. Xbox were failing at rates that made that number…
MMA is much safer than boxing. Things might look more brutal on a fight by fight comparison, but MMA has no down count; if you fall, the fight is over. Repeated hits to the head have been shown to be the most dangerous when it comes to brain trauma.
If the rumors are true, I'm gonna rage. The jump between PS2 and PS3 was really big, but I imagine this next jump won't be as big. If they don't make it backwards compatible, I'll be mad.
Anyone have a live stream? Please
I would imagine there'd be a ref with heat-signature goggles or cameras to determine legal play. Keep everything kosher.
Same here. Although PS3 has been the worst with box art ever since Move came out. Whenever I see boxart disfigured with the Move capability on there, I want to kill Kevin Butler.
Please take a look at any Microsoft content product, and you will see an ad. Xbox, Live Chat (why the fuck does a chat client have ads?), all their apps on Windows 8, etc. Google Chat, Google Music, Google News, and many other Google products do not have ads that are displayed all the time.
You seem to only have one app as an example. That's like me blaming Apple for the problems that Facebsook apps have. I've never seen this issue before, and I've admittedly never used Go SMS. Seriously, that functionality (not being able to go to an apps home) is likely a bug for that app. I love the back button on…'re willing to drive on the road with thousands of people whom you know nothing about. People who take drugs, talk on their phones, eat food, text, and do all sorts of crazy things. The same people who would kill other people for making fun of their religion. The same people who kill everyday. The same people…
Fucked....from not being able to tell people you're ok for a few days? At worst? If it's that important, find another way to reach people. Call from the office. Send a text which takes much last from cell towers than a phone call. Paying shitloads of money for something that happens every lord-knows-how-often, and…
You can teach a man to make GIFs, but you can't show him how to proofread his posts.
Ha, you said 'rise'.
Think about it this way: if the PS3 and 360 are the size they are now, and they are machines from 2006, even if you built machines the exact same size, the advances we've made in hardware in that time frame will more than surpass both systems even at the same size. Making them a tad bit bigger would really give you a…
There is totally a typo for the Wii eulogy. You say it's for the Wii U. Come to think of it, that might not be a typo after all.