
I always imagine Calvin growing up to be a stand up human being. He would probably get a job in science or blogging or engineering. I'd imagine he'd in turn teach his kids to love the outdoors just as he has. And of course, he'll become a proud cyclist just like his father after he finally learns how to ride with

When he turned around, I smiled. Although a more accurate clip would have been him hitting the shit out of a DB who's not expecting it.

I think it's the opposite. Most of the three point shots are taken by long range shooters designated by the team. Sure, shooters in general will shoot, but most teams have players who are the 3-point specialist. With these players, the shot is a completely different game in itself. For one thing, if these guys live

In a sound proof room, no one can hear me scream after I cash my check from this movie!

Things that it doesn't work for:

It was extremely weird seeing this trailer, and subsequently hearing the crowd cheer for it. I'm all for R6 games, but cheerig for this trailer, let alone having Ubi release it, just seemed weird to me.

Actually, I meant it matter of factly. I wasn't guessing what your political affiliation was, but I was more saying it broadly. They are your fellow republican politicians, as they are mine. I should have said "our" in hindsight. I apologize.

Did you miss the part where he said Obama did not do that? Instead, to the dismay of many liberals, he waited until the Democrats lost that super-majority, where the bill could have easily been passed. Say what you will about the man, but he did not shove anything down anyone's throat. He didn't cower away from it. He

I don't hate it like some people, but I will say this: we hate it because you love it. When you love a title, a website can post a hundred different articles on the game, but you won't care. When the same thing is done to a title that you don't like, or that you just want to ignore, it starts to wear on you. Think

He explained his situation. He's clearly going to get a laptop. His life calls for it. He said he already got a desktop, and all you're sitting here is telling him why he shouldn't get a laptop. The minute I typed my comment, I knew I was being rude, and frankly I've just had a really long week that doesn't seem like

Dude, definitely wait for the four weeks. There are certainly great deals on laptops. The deals you get on Black Friday are super cheap deals on relatively inexpensive items, okay deals on really popular items, and really good deals on really expensive items (read: laptops). You can probably save a couple hundred on a

Holy shit, did you even read what he said? He said he already sold his laptop and desktop, got a replacement for his desktop already, and is now looking for a decent laptop to replace his old laptop.

Very nice Chrome Store redesign. I'm liking it very much. As for ICS, I'll wait a few more weeks for a legitimate version.

Half of your complaints aren't justified (every map in BC2 that has parachute spawns almost always makes it impossible for them to shoot you while landing. When they do kill you, it's a fluke shot).

Doesn't MagLev already achieve something similar, minus the super cold part?

I think he meant Kotaku. Why didn't Kotaku pick one that was about video games.

From the Youtube comments, it seems like it was a woman driver, and she was recording it so she could show cops that the two idiots in the trucks were blocking her. So they not only were being douches, they almost killed her in the process.

Now playing

This is the app a year ago. It's been updated since then with overall improvements.

Read the shirts. That's the name of the movie.

Vick needs to learn how to fall. This isn't the first time I've seen him bracing his falls incorrectly. Frankly, it was bound to happen. He needs to go to an MMA gym or something and learn to not stick out his arms while falling.