
It's utterly ridiculous now. If I could, I would shake the idiot involved in that decision.

If you have a PS3, try LittleBigPlanet 2. Or one if you'd like. Also check out Braid. Braid is loads of violence-less fun. One of the better games around. And it's a lot tougher than Portal 2, but trust me, it's still worth it. If anything, you can cheat by looking for the answers online. Also, the story in Braid is

Malls are the zoos of human beings, with the captive animals not even realizing their fates. Even the caged lion knows it's demise. It is a much sadder fate for those locked in the mall. Just like zoos, it is fascinating to go to the mall to watch them running around in circles, losing what it is their uncaged

I hate Nick Denton, and I hope karma comes back to the son of a bitch for the destruction he's done to these sites.

Same. Same a thousand times. I don't even know whether to get it for PC or PS3. Plus there's LA Noire in two weeks. This is driving me crazy. I know that if this game came out around E3 last year, or even remotely when it was announced, I would have gotten it. Also, if they had decent pricing for it, I'd jump on. But

Long distance relationships will also be more awkward thanks to women trying to experiment, only to come out feeling disappointed, you know, because it's only a straw, and not a tongue. At least men are hoping that's how it happens. Although some are hoping for the opposite, but those men are rubbish anyway.

I will donate (more) money to the Red Cross if you guys stop doing shit like this.

Well said. My main problem with the series (watching from the outside) has always been the marketing and extra crap thrown out. Mind you, I was never exposed to the original trilogy, so I never really experienced the good parts of the series naturally as some did, but Episodes I-III all brought a bunch of stuff made

Join the club. I'm president.

Have Star Wars fans realized how much the series has been whored out by now? Do they not know it's because they keep eating up all the shit that gets thrown at them? I figure they don't. Maybe they're better people for it, since they can let these things go by and just have fun in life, while people like me sit at my

Yeah, but I think I was referencing Dean to begin with. That was my bad. But I do think Arch was banned at one point.

Not very easy when there's three separate posts on the topic in one day. I ignored the first two since they seemed to be Kotaku giving some retarded games publicity for the sake of it. The last one had no context at all. Just a picture of Obama during the mission (or was it post-mission?). And btw, I'm seeing that

Very witty. Come back at me when you drop the jokes and want to talk for real.

Try #2

It's not just you. I hate Marvel too.

I'm pretty sure this is more appropriate.

Pray tell, exactly how this relates to the event's probable influence on video games in the future? When and if games come that are related to bin Laden's death in some way or another, we'll talk about it's significance or importance, or whatever else to make us feel smart or educated. But as of now, it has nothing to

Ignoring a post about CoD or WoW is easy; they both happen to be about video games, even if they cater to different tastes in gaming. Heck, reading headlines about other happenings in the gaming world never hurts. But this had absolutely nothing to do with gaming, and saying it does is a push. I respect your view of

Yes. A lot of the blogs have indeed changed, but at the same time, io9 and LH have managed to stay true to themselves. Kotaku and Gizmodo on the other hand have changed. It didn't help that a good portion of the awesome commenters around here left after Archaotic got banned and that whole fiasco.

Here's the question though: why do those people read this site? I'm guessing if we took a survey, 100% would say for video games. If we had more than one answer acceptable for the question, sure people might say other things, like the community, or the writers, or one particular writer, or the exclusives. But they'd