
@Bryan Pope: I was thinking a penis, but I'd forgotten all about the or something. Maybe I should rethink that.

@geiko: dear geiko,

Dear Gawker,

@ScuseMePrincess: Good way to close out, but I'll just say this last thing: we can't look forward to future endeavors in order to rate something, but we can certainly compare things in the past. You can't look at Rocky 5 (before it came out, or 4 for that matter), and take away from the first couple Rocky movies. But

@ScuseMePrincess: I think you're wrong. It's the "hardcore" gamers that play sports games. If you're trying to give CoD the title by bringing down the other three rather than truly analyze them for what they are, there's no convincing you. Every chance you get you bring up the point that RDR is somehow a GTA IV

@ScuseMePrincess: Listen, I'm not going to convince you that a game isn't fun or is bad, but you've gotta be able to look and notice when a game is just fun, or when a game is deserving of awards. I said it once already, my most played and most loved game of 2010 was BC2, and at any given moment of the year, I'd pop

@ScuseMePrincess: Holy shit. Dude, it was to prove a point. I don't expect CoD to have an open world. I also don't expect RDR to get less points for being an open world game with more glitches than a linear game. That's to be expected. And as far as automatically getting an nomination for being in the top 5, please

@ScuseMePrincess: See...if you think that a FPS should win game of the year because of it's writing, you have serious judgement issues. My favorite game this year was probably Bad Company 2, and the main reason was because of the fun I had on there. But I could never imagine voting that the best of the year for that

@ScuseMePrincess: hahahahahha. When has quality for a "of the year" category ever been linked to popularity? Or sales? Or anticipation? If that were the case, Avatar would have been the greatest piece of entertainment ever created. The fact is were not looking at sales here. And comparing polish as a category by

@ScuseMePrincess: Not a single person complained about those glitches. As far as I remember, it was all in fun. The glitches were there, but most of it was watching others find glitches. I haven't found a major glitch myself (after 1.5 playthroughs), and have seen very little minor ones. The game was stellar in every

This game is tight, so it'll come down to the most scantily clad cheer babes. Or lack of scantily clad cheer babes. Balls in your court Atlanta. Bring home the bacon with mini skirts galore.

@Bubbleman! gets the Lead out.: I love that they put her on there. Did you hear the Wes Welker press conference yesterday? It was so funny.

@sneakysnake128: The building blowing up in the background. And those roads are crumbled. I think people are hating on the box art just for the sake of hating on the box art. I've seen bad American box art before, but this isn't it. Well, I should say worse, not bad. Because none of these are anything to write home

@Jackstick: Really? I agree with Heavy Rain, but an explosion and a reflection? How is that better?

My two most memorable moments involve two of the best games for me.

The only Craig that should be playing Bond from now on is Craig Ferguson