
No, I’m far from a Republican. Saying that the individual’s opinion matters over the benefit of the many makes you sound like a NeoCon Libertarian, which I do realize most of Jezebel’s readership is. It’s more akin to me saying that people should (for a variety of reasons - ethics, compassion, environment – so also


The personal and business profit concerns of women who want to prostitutes, placed over the well-being, pain and trauma of women who are trafficked, demeaned and forced into prostitute - a life they don’t choose or want to live. Wonder what the demographics are for those two groups?

the ironic thing is that most of these people wish to emulate the emphasis on gender equality in europe, not realizing that in europe, anything that objectifies women - even porn,and i’m guessing especially prostitution - is increasingly considered to be demeaning to women, and therefore criminalized. they want to

she probably picked up the quotes habit from this website’s incessant lazy sarcasm

First, it’s surprising that you think Tony Abbott sucks – I’m assuming you mean this in respect to the dumbing down of an entire continent, the evisceration of funding for climate change research at the universities, and millions of other reasons, perhaps most currently compelling the detention of many-would be

Oh. Fuck you. You either take the good WITH the bad, or you shut it down. You want women to be able to freely sell their bodies? Then you will have sex slaves as well in this bustling market. Can’t pick and choose, you bitch. Fuck your female body empowerment bullshit.

Um, I know that you’re “Gawker royalty” what with your ungreyed status and increasingly “wacky, zany” user name, but, this is a public message board that generates its advertising rates by clicks, not imaginary celebrity status. My click is as good as yours. Funny how all the people hear who are so boisterous about

Yes, that paragraph is in the article, I actually read it.

Since I complain so much and so often about the exaltation of “sex workers” on this site, quick kudos for having the nerve to write and run a story that allows that prostitution might actually not be a good thing, without the equivocating “but empowerment / Belle Knox / you do you girl!” disclaimer.

Um… anti–Semite, yes. No excuse.

this is the actor in Aquarius. Better I think. But I’d have to see the other actor with the hair/beard/clothing.

She’s with a Nestle exec? The same asshole who doesn’t think that water is a right for all people? Gross.

In what way please? I never pick fights, but this is irresistable.

Tell us more about life in Arkansas.

Yep. I can’t imagine old school Jezebel, or some of the older former writers like Dodi, writing a headline like this....they would have done a play on words like mutt was a real dog or talked about how it was a betrayal by both.

The entire premise of Jolene is that Parton’s partner is a good, honorable, loving man who bears no responsiblity whatsoever for his own behavior, simply because he has a penis. It’s not his fault if he cheats on and abandons Parton—he just can’t help himself! It’s all the fault of the dirty slut who “stole” him. For

Oh, no, I don’t think I would want to see my best friend if she did that to me. I also don’t think I would marry her husband.

I think you meant to say she never shuts up about her best friend stealing her man.

Yeah, no. Everything about this is bad.