MoBetter Greens

To paraphrase a guy in the HuffPo comments section, “I’ve been very very gay. I’ve been very very drunk. Neither has ever resulted in me making a move on a 14 year-old.”

By handling it this way Spacey is giving fuel to the crackpots who conflate homosexuality with pedophilia.

Bullshit! I’m a fucking 14 (out of 10)* and I sit in a windowless office all and look at spreadsheets all day.

Same. I’ve gotten hired at many food service jobs, I must be ugly as hell!

It actually is really hard to do my job because yes, I am hot. #premenopause #canIgetafanbitches

I answered phones for a month. At one point I was told I have a pretty voice.

This study is BS. I wouldn’t hire Donald Trump to clean my toilet and he looks like a chewed up piece of carrot cake.

I am as radiant as the sun, which is why I have to answer phones. Otherwise my hotness would cause rioting in the streets.

I thought I was pretty, but I guess since I have a shitty boring job, I’m not as pretty as I thought :(

I allowed David Duke to read your letter, and he was like, “Damn, that bitch is racist!”

You make it seem as if this lady was trading on her privilege

“To try to inject race into this discussion seems a bit forced.”
Only if you think the problem isn’t systemic. Which would mean you’re either a racist or fucking stupid. Your choice.

This is 1000% correct. So often we hear “if he/she had just done what the officer said...” and it is almost universally pointed at PoC. White people get away with SO MUCH, and it’s ridiculous. So it’s not that anyone is making this about race - it already is.

Wubbels didn’t “trade” on anything. Just look at the difference in how people reacted to Justine Damond versus Philando Castile.

To try to inject race into this discussion seems a bit forced. You make it seem as if this lady was trading on her privilege

Let’s just go with Charles Kinsey... not a nurse but you know pretty close. The officer that SHOT him and was subsequently arrested on charges of attempted manslaughter and negligence for his role in shooting Kinsey continues to be on leave WITH pay.

Why a duck?

Can you imagine, Rex says “sure whatever, Betsy find me a number 2 pencil” and then Dumpy backs out because it would be a waste of tax payer money or some shit. Then he’ll wonder why the senate intelligence committee isn’t giving Hillary an IQ test.

What? Shhh.

Or, and I know this is crazy talk, but what if the white woman hadn’t actually been in the ad at all? Was she really absolutely necessary? Could they have maybe had three whole women of color?