MoBetter Greens

Every plantation had at least one.

Go fuck yourself. You’re probably one of those insufferable cunts who would constantly preach at their adult children because you think you earned it somehow. You didn’t.

So you don’t know for sure and neither does anyone else here. because CAPS are the secret to making a truly succulent and crisp word salad.

Doesn’t excuse racism in my book. The second you are racist you are a piece of shit in my book. I know plenty if people with mental illnesses who aren’t racist shitheads

There is a lot of rationalization in the comments today. Even the normal greys have managed to find their hearts today.

53% of her kind voted for Trump.


The more they talk the more they got us all they way fucked up.

First of all, if you can’t even manage to get the announcement right then I don’t know what right you think you have to ask people to reserve judgement or have faith in you to get the actual show right. This is a tiny spec in a great big deal of what they’re creating and they botched it horribly.

Rap sheet? A rap sheet is a criminal record which Mr. Castile did not have. He was pulled over numerous times which is what is known as driving while Black.

That may be true for people who plan to commit suicide (though I think it’s an inaccurate generalization). Most suicides are not planned, however, so your snark is just rude. Suicide hotlines save lives. If you disagree, you still don’t have to be a jerk about it.

Anybody who calls him “cowardly” is a fucking asshole. Sometimes depression is terminal.

I can’t believe no one died as a result. Seriously.

Oh my God, Radiohead. I’m 35 and I’m still pretending to like Radiohead. I want to be the kind of person who likes Radiohead! But I’m just not.

NO. People who assume their goddamn dog is welcome everywhere THEY feel like being, need to be rounded up and taken to school. I know your husband said it was OK but not checking with you was not OK. And I don’t think it’s normal to let a dog (or a kid for that matter) just wander around a strange house. If you can’t

That man does not put into the rent or the mortgage. He’s a guest but it’s her home. It sounds like he is a grown man and should know better. What the problem with putting your feet on someone else couch? It seating that perhaps someone else might want to sit on and it’s not his fucking couch. When in doubt ask for

I am a new Mom and today I feel super overwhelmed. My baby is the best baby ever he just sucks so bad at sleeping. His naps are very short. He’s super fidgety at night and he’s still up to eat 2-3 times a night to eat and he’s five months old. Please tell me stories about your babies or your friends babies. Preferably

“Bernie would won.”

“First rule. When slapping pathetic peasant, you are holding hand like this so as not to wind up so much and cause deep bruising.”

“What you think I don’t know how to slap a peasant?”