MoBetter Greens

“Trump has to do the opposite of anything and everything Obama . . .”

Yup, the Cuyahoga River caught fire in 1969 and it’s been a big joke since. How did I throw stones at anyone by pointing out Cleveland and Pittsburgh are brothers with similar histories in the same Rustbelt? I thought I used the past tense enough.

Great article, Beth. Former Butler-ite here (Butler) who moved from the Boston area to Butler/Saxonburg in the mid-80's at what seemed to be close to the beginning of da’ ‘Burgh’s transition to the new, non-steel businesses and industries you mention in your article. PPG Plaza, Mt. Washington, Station Square, the

You’re not American, are you.

St. Louis was/is the exact same way. In 1939 we even had a day called “Black Tuesday” or “the day the sun didn’t shine.” The City was notorious for it’s smog from coal fired plants and other industries. Those days are gone and the region’s air is no longer among the most polluted but remnants remain. Mostly on the

Plenty of pictures of Pittsburgh as it used to be in the article and comments. Since I’m consistently surprised at how many people have no idea how different it is now...

You keep you air over there and we’ll use our own air thank you.

It has NOTHING to do with graphs and lies.

Soon as he said that, I was like “You keep my city’s name out of your filthy mouth, goddamnit.” We didn’t elect you, and Peduto hates you.

China’s been investing billions in sustainable energy and community building - far more than anyone else, in fact. That’s not “jack shit.” Or if it is, the US has done less than jack shit.

They’re just evil fucks.

The fact that it’s symbolic almost makes it worse. There’s nothing to gain from leaving, and nothing to lose by staying. Trump did this because he’s a petty, vindictive, ignorant piece of shit.

The big picture is that she’s posting popsicle recipes while her husband is under investigation for espionage and treason. How is this remotely the same as the scandal-free previous ACTUAL First Lady? What we need to let go of is false equivalence that gives a pass to these criminals. Both sides do not do it, mofo.

If she can’t see colour, how does she know she’s moved into a black neighbourhood?

... and by ghosted her you mean you told her she should really try to join that ghost cosplay society, the KKK?

Maybe she can hear color.

Whats amazing is that the republican leadership can tell their followers anything and they will believe it. Up to and including saying that Americas biggest enemy is suddenly our ally, over-night, for no valid explainable reason.

Why couldn’t he have done the world a favor and pretended to go for a gun so that the cops could have shot him?

“His Facebook feed...includes the suggestion that he debate “Ben Ferencz(Last Living Nuremberg Persecutor)“ in the Hague, “with Putin as our judge”

Probably economic insecurity.