MoBetter Greens

Anyone noticing that most of the liberal heroes right now are women?

But we cant ignore the huge amount that voted for Trump. The majority of white people picked Trump in every age group, including white women. That says a lot about America. So when you say most American voters, you mean minorities. That is what always gets ignored when we talk about who actually voted for Clinton.

This. This is a winning strategy.

What these fucks don’t realize is it’s not about the ER having to take you if you show up spraying arterial blood. It’s the little nagging symptoms you ignore, because who the hell can afford to go to the clinic? It’s the check-ups you skip. The warning signs you pray are nothing, and then add another prayer that it

I’m sorry to hear that, and I hope this bill dies in the Senate like everyone predicts. I get that sharing isn’t for everybody, but I hope if you are open to doing so to make time to go to a townhall or see your Rep and/or Senator in person and tell them your story. Even if they are a Dem and are opposed to the bill

I understand that decision. If presented with a choice of beggaring my family or just letting the disease take me, I will say my goodbyes. I’m sorry you had to go through that.

Awhile ago one of my roommates had to go to the hospital for serious cat allergy (he didnt realize it was that severe when his gf brought her cat over). Billed him around 3 to 5k for just a shot, an ambulance, and some minor tests, which on his pay was a lost cause. 2 weeks ago he came down with a monster sickness

The message needs to be “The GOP took away your health insurance.” Anything else is a distraction.


We could try bitching repeatedly about how anything less than a 100% progressive is worse than a republican.

I was a teen when Dilemma came out. I consider it the summer jam of my youth - better than Irreplaceable!

I’m so glad that a mediocre white dude who sent a sexually explicit photo over his employer’s network was hired by a company that seems to condone harrasment.

I’m getting pregnant just thinking about it!

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.”—Germaine Greer.

I was hoping to get a free trip to Hawaii, but noooooo. Thanks, Alaska.

Or milk a man.

Is it impossible for these people to speak about abortion without revealing their contempt for women, or do they choose not to?

Rape is a pre-existing condition. Rape. is. a. pre-existing. condition. I’d love to read a story about that weasely cunt Chaffetz having to look his daughter in the eye and tell her she doesn’t deserve healthcare because she got raped. These animals are sub-human and yes I am using that terminology on purpose.

The fact that they see taking healthcare away from the most vulnerable as some sort of victory says it all. Eff them and may every carpet they step on barefoot be full of Lego pieces.