MoBetter Greens

Just FYI, you’re the reason Black Women are so weary of white feminists. You don’t get it, you’re not even attempting to understand or empathize, and you’re hellbent on centering yourself in this conversation.

I know what this is about. missy saw a thing that wasn’t about her at all and had to make it about her.

I don’t know what your endgame with these dumb comments could possibly be. Maybe this?

This isn’t about you! Let it go!

You had a whole article and all these comments explaining it and you still don’t get it. What’s up?

Like I said, you don’t get it. It’s the ERASURE of the black phenotype of 4C hair, the bread and butter of the business, and the implementation of colorism (look it up if you don’t know what that is).

Yeah and Reagan’s Cabinet and WH staff weren’t filled with right-wing Christian religious zealots like asshole’s is so we didn’t worry as much. Also, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union were in such flux and had no power. This time we are in the opposite situation. That’s terrifying.

True, but the sad thing is that Trump voters were not only low-information voters, but anti-information voters.

Statistically though, isn’t that less than a quarter of the actual US population? Not that it would make it ok, I’m just looking for some context.

This. More of them may fall off the further we get out of simple fatigue. But, no one should be counting on them to abandon him for any ideological reasons. They CAN’T admit they made a mistake, because the reason they voted for him wasn’t a mistake. The sooner we disabuse ourselves that they have any kind of


Business can and should involve heart. You’ve still got real people affected by your very real decisions.

Recently Trump was in Wisconsin with Paul Ryan, whom he repeatedly referred to as “Ron”.

Linguists and language teachers, please weigh in. The last time I asked this it was fascinating. Hypotheses on what this imp’s language tells us about his non-abilities and attempts to speak?

I’m going to try to be clear by using my “I” statements-

“Death and life.” In all my many years I have never heard or seen anyone put them in that order. It might be nit picking a weird little instance in a sea of garbled nonsense but it really bothered me and I think it says a lot about how his brain works.


The family that resists together persists together. Or something like that.

Happy Birthday in advance :)

A man who wants a beautiful wife is normal.