MoBetter Greens

I like her droll, “Wake up, sheeple” demeanor.

Should we be nervous that you identify with the murderous stalker in the song?

He says “wasting away in Margaritaville” right in the chorus. Its the bit everyone knows. I don’t get it!

I’ve been to two weddings where the groom’s surname was Jones and both of them had their first dance to well-known adulterers’s anthem, Me and Mrs Jones. People. Do. Not. Listen.

“Margaritaville” is about a drunk that ran his girlfriend off...

Also- Every Breath You Take.

This isn’t about revenge; it’s about using the defamation laws to tamp down on conspiracy websites that incite violence towards innocent civilians. Fear of litigation will have an effect on Jones and his ilk’s ability to just make shit up and hurt people.

Amen. And the Newtown families who had to listen to Jones say that their dead children were child actors who were faking being dead.

I hate to reply to this, because it seems I know a lot about the utter absurdity of pizzagate, but I don’t really! I just read an article or two (on here and Vox). Anyway, I can still interpret this tshirt:

10-1 odds those kids are not vaccinated.

This morning on AM Joy, it was disclosed that Devin Nunes, (the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee) has his own ties to Russia. His vineyard’s distributor in Europe is a Russian oligarch/ friend- of- Vlad, and he didn’t disclose this. Conflict of interest much?

A D.C. pizza parlor that doesn’t even have a basement!

That jiggling psycho is only apologizing because now infowars is being investigated in the russia thing. He’s not genuinely sorry. Btw Alex, when are you gonna get around to apologizing for making sandy hook survivors and family members lives a living hell?

I would gladly contribute to Alefantis’ legal fund (though where are the left’s billionaire sugar daddies?) if he can take down Alex Jones as Peter Thiel did Gawker. Both sides can play at that game.

You came out of an almost two year hiatus to post this?

She needs to call Rachel Dolezal and have a conversation about giving this up cuz being black is more than the crap they are trying to put out there. Sit y’all crazy asses down some where and just please stop because we can’t. In the name of black Jesus just stop.

The original claim Trump made was that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before the election to spy on him, specifically.

What’s even weirder is that he really does seem convinced there is some sort of large base out there that wants nothing more than to give the rich tax cuts. Like, outside the 1% that isn’t a super motivating platform, even for the Republicans that can usually be convinced to vote against their own interests. The way

Only Paul Ryan could have managed such a coup, wringing a spectacular defeat from the jaws of victory.