MoBetter Greens

Yeah, I can´t decide in what proportion Ben Carson is an opportunist, self-hating, or a moron. Obviously, he is all three to some degree, but what is really at play with a fucking statement like that? I mean, he already has the fucking job, do you need to keep pandering to the racist base? Do you really hate yourself

Dangling Prepositions.

Making fun of someone else’s education while capitalizing words that shouldn’t be and failing to check for errors or use appropriate punctuation. How rich.

“Clearly someones liberal arts degree didn’t really teach them any basic facts.”

Hasta la vista, baby!

That’s awful. When my grandmother had a baby who died shortly after he was born (he was a blue baby), the doctor wasn’t going to let her see or hold him. Apparently one of the nurses defied him and let my grandmother hold her baby and she always said she was so grateful that she got that chance and that he was her

Ugh, this makes me so angry for your poor mother!

This kind of reminds me of my mom’s first pregnancy. She was sick to all hell, and thought she was pregnant, but when she went to the doctor he decided there was no way she was pregnant and prescribed thalidomide.

This is how I imagine it

I never thought I would get an abortion until I gave birth. I got a staph infection in my c-section incision, and it had to be opened back up again. I had a 2" deep incision in my abdomen (I was 6" deep total at the time), at home with a 5 day old. It was actually deeper on the sides, but they wouldn’t tell me how

Several years ago, I worked for an old guy who would occasionally take me into his confidence on some pretty personal things. When I became pregnant for the first time, he was very concerned that everything was “all right”. I assured him that it seemed to be. He then quietly told me about his wife’s first pregnancy,

Adding.... THIS LAW KIDS WILL GET ABUSED AND ABANDONED. Forcing people who do not want to raise a child (or cannot raise a child) to raise a disabled child is a terrible, terrible, terrible idea.

Would this same law require said doctor to support the child born with life-long disabilities? Because medical care is what puts thousands of people into poverty and bankruptcy. Show me how “pro-life” you really are, TX.

Can you? I say, you must! Hypothetically speaking of course.

Personal question: let’s say, hypothetically, I have some friends - not people I’m really really close to and could comfortably jab at and not ruin things. But people who I spend some time with yet either of us could easily live without the other. And let’s say these people voted for trump almost exclusively because

So, this seems relevant to add for everyone here. Turns out Sessions used campaign funds to travel to meet the Russian Ambassador. It’s a bad night for the Trump regime.

Next we’ll discover Preibus emailed the FBI using his hotmail account.