MoBetter Greens


Short version, according to the article, was:

Once again, the use of the word by a black person in response to its use against black people is morally questioned.

This country has a long history of punishing victims and it continues to this day in every imaginable form.

2004...the year eviscerated actually meant something and wasn’t only used for buzzfeed headlines.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause blood clots to form in your legs, it only takes 1 tiny clot in the wrong place to pull your plug.

Donald Trump?

Knowing nothing about the guy, my initial thought was the blood clot thing — i.e. if you sit in one place too long, you get a blood clot that travels and blocks something critical. It’s the same reason they advise people on long plane rides to get up and stretch their legs every once in a while. 

That is a pretty powerful response by the family. They are forcing the neighborhood to deal with it. They are sharing the pain and white fragility can’t handle it (and maybe non white fragility, too, to be fair). They are forcing the cops and the local news to cover a story that is common in the country, but quickly

“The neighbors were very upset when the incident occurred and truly felt for the couple,” Jankowski wrote. “However, the residents who have condemned the racial incident are upset and are complaining about continuing to see the racial slur and how it is disturbing the peace in the quiet neighborhood.”

Oh there are children in the neighborhood? Any of them black ? Because black children are going to hear and know this word and won’t be protected from it like the white children. Deal with what’s happening in your neighborhood adults!

Man. Economic anxieties are popping up everywhere. Economic equality would have stopped this from happening. Shame, DNC.

Turns out telling horrible people “Hey, say whatever you want, don’t care if it hurts people or offends people-that’s just liberals trying to silence you” leads to horrible people saying horrible things which offend everyone. Who could have guessed? I mean, we’ve only seen it many times now?

Shut up, racist.

That’s the best part, liberals are completely out of this one. Let the conservatives go after each other. They have now destroyed one of their favorite talking points - the Berkeley riot, because everytime they bring it up they are defending someone they themselves have now labelled as terrible.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if part of the intent of his remarks was to raise the specter of gays preying on kids. He’s a staggeringly self-hating gay.

This type of thinking makes me shiver. I got my first period in 5th grade, so while my body was (apparently) “good to go,” my brain was still pretty consumed with pogs and friendship bracelets.

Pretty much. The whole ephebophile (I’m not typing it into google to see if it’s spelled right) thing hinges on the idea that pubescent children are ready for sex because they are literally growing into being sexual. Inconvenient things like brain development and the inherent power imbalance between a mature adult and

This is not an odd attitude for someone from the “manosphere”. Most of them believe grown-ass men should be able to have sex with any person who has hit puberty (or, at least, they used to—I don’t read their stuff anymore). For me, that was 10. Ponder that for a minute—I’ve argued with men who think I should have