MoBetter Greens

Yeah, nothing’s gonna happen. This administration doesn’t care and house republicans, whose voting base has spent the last year railing on liberals as “cucks” have become the biggest cucks of all; impotent to enforce their principles upon fear of reprisal. Their base has been dissuaded from listening to the MSM in

Happy Valentines Day!

So, does anyone else feel like the shuttle to the Impeachment Gate is rapidly accelerating? The Flynn thing feels like just the tip of the Russian iceberg.

Is America great again yet? Because for fuck’s sake this feels like it is taking an eternity.

Thank you! He is all about respectability politics and currying favor with people who think he is subhuman. Fuck that.

I heard an interview with Davis and the filmmaker. At first I was interested, and then after hearing how he spoke to some of the young BLM activists, I seriously doubt he’s done much more than convince some of these guys that he’s not “one of those” black people.

How much more impeachable can this asshole be? He’s a whole fucking orchard by now.



I really hope the next Democratic President considers Sally Yates for the Supreme Court. She looks like the only professional in this entire mess and should be rewarded for it.

It would be nice if it were possible to bring up these points without the Beyhive screaming RACISM! every time someone dares to criticize their queen for anything.

I think that’s a reasonable take on it, and I wouldn’t mind if the authors here took what seemed to be a stance like that toward Beyonce. She does a lot of positive things and a lot of things that are morally neutral but pretty awesome.

In sequence:

Trudea: You’re going to impeach him, right?
Ryan: You have no idea how soon.

“We both have to pee, but no one knows where the restrooms are. It’s like the light switch all over again.”

“His hands really are that small!”

Ryan: “I know, right? He’s so stupid! No matter how moronic the executive order is put in front of the orange ape, he will sign without reading it! Just dumber than dumb!”