Do you have a tutorial on putting ubuntu on a thumb drive? The help file in ubuntu is not very clear
Do you have a tutorial on putting ubuntu on a thumb drive? The help file in ubuntu is not very clear
is any one having any trouble with connecting to the store my computer keeps telling me i am offline i think my network admin pals have final gotton one step ahead of me
a good work around to the non local number is to skype out for free to that number
some of the catalogs are really out of date there is a lack of updating
i like mozy i now have like 4.5 gb just by sending recomendations and bug reporting a easy way to back up to another computer is [] free back up serivce just install the program on both computers and your ready to go ! and you can also use there remont accesss program wich is really practical .
why not just run the 30day trial of vritual pc