
How much $ to unfuck this thing? That might get me to take it.

Bruised lungs? That’s a special type of “Ow.”

“forever first lady Michelle Obama”

Honoring this officer and his wife for taking this child in is not worthy of note? It was a shitty thing to have at the SOTU? Did you petition for some other story to be told at the address? How hard did you try to have a story told, or have people of your choosing there? Addicts are addicts, and there will always be

That’s our process. It’s the process in place. Does it suck? That’s subjective. How easily do you want random illegals to become citizens that can vote? Do you want *anyone* here illegally to be able to snap their illegal fingers and become a citizen? Oh, and the DMV is not really a good example of “government

Let them pay taxes? How? They are here illegally, and they get paid under the table. They only pay sales tax - no income taxes ever. Let them enter the country legally and apply for citizenship. What’s wrong with coming here legally and earning their citizenship like they’re supposed to? Yes, let them take part in the

The whole issue with the Paris Accord is that Americans were stuck with paying for... yes, I mean it... aid to shithole countries so they can stop being monster polluters. Fuck that.

Truly a beautiful design. I have loved this car ever since I first heard of its existence so long ago. The swooping lines... damn fine-looking car. Waaay better than the XJ220, in my opinion.

Afraid of brown folks that don’t speak English? I am afraid of our state and local governments letting brown people who don’t speak English flood our country illegally. That’s what I’m afraid of.

The US Constitution protects US citizens. If you’re in the US illegally, the US Constitution isn’t there for your protection. If you’re in the US illegally, you are, by definition, a criminal (illegal = criminal).

I don’t give a shit if you’re someone’s favorite gramma, you’re here illegally, so get. the. fuck. out.

Trump is an extremist... how? Keeping campaign promises that relate to enforcing existing laws? Yeah, that’s x-treme.

What racism? What bigotry? Favoring secure borders and keeping my hard-earned money make me a racist bigot? Fuck YOU.

The Dems are refusing to sign because of immigration issues. I’m more concerned about American citizens than non-citizens. So, fuck you, too.

Putting up barriers around the WWII memorial in DC was fucking retarded of the Obama administration. It’s an open structure surrounded by major roads. Spend money to put staff in place to shoo people away? WTF? The country needs the government to provide for the common defense, and not much else. Government shutdowns

Debt of Honor is a great book, in my opinion.

@GovtMinion, I also grew up a few blocks from Mile High Stadium, specifically near the intersection of 34th Ave and Irving Street, near Highland Park. In reading The Sum of All Fears, I was amused at the stadium’ name change from Mile High to the Skydome (or something like that). Yeah, my house would have been rather

Trump simply enforced ***OBAMA’S*** “muslim travel ban.”

“...excuse after excuse made by white folks about why Trump got elected.” 

@Mike Johnson: Gotta say this... your a fucking racist. “That’s the next frontier for white folk.” What the actual fuck?

“Of course, if Trump HADN’T issued a statement, people would scream he’s a racist and he ignores African-Americans. He just can’t win.”