Undercutting the price of food degrades the value of agriculture labor. This move will benefit the middle class at the direct expense of those already poor. And consolidate food resources into corporate oligarchies even further.
Undercutting the price of food degrades the value of agriculture labor. This move will benefit the middle class at the direct expense of those already poor. And consolidate food resources into corporate oligarchies even further.
So he’s Straight Outta Comp Tickets now then?
Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted…
It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.
Yeah, after looking at his past I’m filing a challenge.
Every black family has the uncle who is not in his 20s but still believes himself to be. The uncle with the straw…