
Black folks an’t got no time for race war shit. Racists have spent the last 200+ years trying everything they know to get black folks to rise up as whole and fight so that racists can try to kill them all and other then a few times, most black folks shrug, bury their dead and move onwards.

Turnabout is fair play

There is no telling how many girls this monster got away with molesting. Everyone on his team should be indicted because they all knew what was happening. 

Thank you for being so eloquent. I tried and failed. 

I’m not at war with black men; I love them very much. I’m at war with misogynists. If you think the two are automatically synonymous, that’s on you, but that’s not a belief I hold, nor is it a generalization I’ll accept having projected upon me.

Thank you. For a reporter to be punished by a purported news organization for accurately pointing out that he was very credibly accused of rape, is fucking insane.

This idiot looks like a dollar-store Ali G. 

Giant red glasses, green cap and Gesture Ciggie — that’s more of a Hialeah fashion sense than strictly Miami.

Oh man... They’re about to disappear him on some Patriot Act shit. Hope he gets used to life on Gitmo.

What a sad deluded fool. Does he think wypipo gonna accept him as white?

That actually happened when I was in college. At FSU (I went to FAMU “across the tracks”) it was not a rare occurrence that groups of White students would cohort with their Black friends for this scheme. My roommate and I found this out by accident.

Some folks didn’t want to leave the plantation as much as they wanted to stay and rule over it. 

They don’t care that white people are stealing shit because they look like them, because of racism.

Honestly, that’s the only way that cops will be reigned in by the departments across the US, by actively and aggressively filing lawsuits every single time one of these power-mad cops does shit like this.