
The story of her marathon will now be the story of his proposal.”

This! This is the correct take.

This has my abuse flags popping all the fuck up. This is a textbook narcissistic thing to do - something “nice” that’s “for” someone else, but executed in a way that absolutely steals focus from her, derails a legitimate accomplishment she’s worked very hard for, all while maintaining this air of plausible deniability

The kid did a great job with the costume. I love it.

Someone should try joyless blogger next.

I think when that relative is running for  public office, and you know they will fuck up, you gotta do what you gotta do. 

She potentially made sexually inappropriate comments to a child and it makes you dislike him for bringing it up?

Have things really gotten to the point where you completely missed the fact in your article that an adult Whoopi Goldberg was making sexual comments and suggestions about what she was going to do a 15 year old Neil Patrick Harris?!! Or is it OK because she’s a female?

I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand how working with Bloom’s *husband* means he definitely knows her. I couldn’t pick out 95% of my coworker’s spouses in a lineup. Also, she annoys the ever living shit out of me, so while in general NPH is insufferable, I was totes on his side for that particular beef.

Men get sexually harassed too and toxic masculinity encourages them to “laugh it off” and be a man! She was a rich, established actor saying that to a minor on his first job. If he complained, she could have conceivably ruined any chance of a career. Assholes can be victims, consent and a safe work environment are his

Wait ...

That is a strange article, like it almost sounds like we’re supposed to feel bad that Whoopi was put in an awkward situation for making a very inappropriate remark to a child? If the genders were reversed, I think we would be treating this differently.

Wasn’t supposed to be a comment on you! I thought you did a thorough analysis, the FBI clearly did not :(

One thing this article and the FBI report have in common... Republican Senators didn’t read either of them.

This article is probably more comprehensive than the FBI report, sadly.

Wow, you guys turned on him fairly quickly.  You do know the reason you’re tired of hearing about him is because you’ve done like 10 stories in the past couple of weeks about him right?

Obviously that second part is muuuuuch easier said than done, but it seems like there’s no amount of shoe gazing and thinkpiece-ing that is going to get around the fact that someone needs to say that a thing that is not generally considered to be explicitly bad, should be considered explicitly bad, and that that thing

Does this mean her name had been leaked in Washington before it was published?

“But I’m not bad, right?”