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    Two bottles of revx into motor oil, no more klackity clack on startup... still gotta save $$$ for upcoming injector replacement:|

    Love the mix n match seats, either way no computers? Sign me up!

    100% true, also these beasts need to be run hard to stay in good shape. One of my biggest mistakes was buying an actual low mile (actual 79k)powerstroke van which turns out it sat for 5 years unused in a middle of the field before the company went belly up and it ended up on an auction.

    On Ford/GM trucks you can read total engine hours off the PCM using most scan tools or even directly from a cluster on certain models, so that 104,000 truck that read 8k engine hours either was tampered with or idled half a day

    Honesty and integrity are bad for well being of a megacorporation, suprised?

    Was the parts van built on a similar date as yours (month/year) or just had same style 09+ cluster? I ran into no-start condition due to supposedly replacemen cluster’s software was of a different version than PCM...

    Passenger vans usually have cluster replaced with a lower mileage one just before sale as they rack up miles on shuttle bus duties, for some reason I have not ran across a cargo van that’s been tampered with yet, maybe because of cargo floor and door hinge wear that makes it evident...

    Kids and their drama...

    I did exactly same thing in a similar situation, but I was driving an Astro cargo at that moment, it was a bit scary as my interior shelving ripped itself apart from its brackets causing lots of noise as it flew across the back of a van...

    I’m ok with that! Brits may not be though...

    1.7 VW gas motor, same as in every other gas Iltis branded X Y or Z

    Iltis was sold under plenty brands, in case of Great White North it was a Bombardier brand...

    Square body dually, 7.4 (454) gas preferred, 6.2 diesel wouldn’t be a deal breaker either...

    Try that on a cube van...

    Ever played Elite : Grinderous?

    NP because Nostalgia (tm)

    Is the dreaded TIPM bs fixed yet? Or these still come with units that will fail within 2 years?

    Clatterpillar if it’s diesel powered...

    More like Mad Max then

    Gauges FTW!