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    Yeah, good luck finding anything for those old diesels, timing belt+tensioner+water pump ? Maybe, but injection pump and injectors will be super rare and probably within $1500+ for a rebuilt one... (Worn injectors and pump may be the cause of mileage drop, unless it’s cracked heads and worn rings...) Not even going to

    ...and now we are back to product delivery via drone... Just this time it's not flying. (Better or worse you tell me) haha

    An ability to follow a vehicle around with cargo inside means it's a trailer, so autonomous trailer ?

    Nope, 0.65l carbed inline 2 will gladly stall on you... Unless the road is icy I guess...

    Shit like that? Only in Poland...

    How about a 4BT swap? Haha! I know it's heavy, but that torque in such a light chassis? Could be insanely addictive....

    I recall some movie site stating that they had to put a buick v8 into the delorean for filming so you're not too far off! Now I'm off to look for a link to post...

    Sometime ago I had 2005 F350 Ford with diesel 6.0l disaster motor. Anyway the thing was stock, no exhaust, no intake, no custom tunes, no mods whatsoever. Brought it to my dealer to replace oil cooler and egr cooler on warranty (those fail big time due to residual sand left from casting in the block wtf) they did the