
Every Land Cruiser I drove in a Combat Zone was White

Very good

“fair and square” = whined until mercedes basically gave him hamiltons team (and theirfor hamiltons setups) and drove like an ass all season to claim a lucky victory on the back of hamilton reliability issues (remember the aforementioned mechanic swap)

he was also great as Homelander in The Boys

NASCAR: The whole country is turning left!

I was under the impression that a Hummer couldn’t get you pregnant.

Really any excuse to post this

You forgot rule #4: don’t do anything that results in you having to wear a leg brace the week before you have to drive a Grand Prix.

It looks slick but in the real world, it is needlessly long for anyone who drives and parks in the city. So many new cars seem to have unnecessary overhang. Hell, my girlfriend’s 2018 Accord is longer than my ‘18 4Runner. In fact, the car would probably look cooler if you cut 8" off the front and 4" off the back.

I won’t be there, but keep an eye out for a whole crew of Ruckuses (Ruckuseses...Ruckii?). They cruise there annually and are always at least 20 strong. I did it last year and loved it.

Rich Energy or GTFO

As much as I hate to admit it, the result was down to a tactical masterstroke by Toto. Gutted for Max, but his team dropped the ball here. Before this race, I was almost ready to say that we might have the 2009 scenario taking shape again, incidentally with the same teams playing out the scenario.

I thought I saw one of these, once. But it was just an optical ilyushin.

I’m obviously older than you. I only had this on my wall.

“Alright, gonna grab that nice shiny BMW over there...”

Senna would have told Netflix to fuck off too 

And certainly the blame can’t all be on the engine. Red Bull way outperformed them with the same engine for quite some time, too.

To be fair to the crew, they werent exactly ready for him to nail the wall right there and then.

First with the requisite LS-1 comment.

Does it include AC or do you have to murder a couple people for that?