
This is going to sell like crazy in Vancouver.

This works with guns as well. The best gun is always the one you have access to in a defensive situation, be it a .45 Colt, a lowly .25 ACP, or even a flare gun, it’s the best chance you have to survive when someone is trying to kill you.

From some of the most Tims dense locations in Toronto, this is enough distance to shoot from a Tim Horton’s, pass through another Tim Horton’s, and hit a target in a third, enemy occupied Tim Horton’s.

Felt bad when Susie Wolff left. But now even the first female principal? It’s a sausage-fest now.

That’s like arguing who is the classiest Kardashian.

+1 animal cracker on Liv Tyler

And all of them made in Taiwan!

Stupid sexy Flanders...

Sauber will have the best engine next year.

And if you took a single one from today with all its advanced equipment onboard, it could take out all of them. Not sure what the point is exactly.

Me too.. when it gets cold enough to freeze your nipples off up here in Canuckistan, even at -20C (not sure what that is in Freedom Temp Units), I still grill 2-3 times a week year round. Unless it hit lower than -25, cuz then the grill just won’t hit proper searing temp.

My favorites are the yummy parts! Mmmmmmm…

Well, one; Animals are raised for this this shit. It’s not like they’re wild. They even make sure to not be surrounded in a barbed-wire fence so there’s no holes in the leather!

OK. I’m done with this insane shit. Buying a side by side and a beater Dodge Ram 1500 to haul it.

Let’s hope that Hertz can get through this one relatively unscathed.

Finally. Hopefully we’re one step away from being able to view the entire race online (even if it costs $). Bernie went out of his way to ensure I couldn’t be a fan of F1 by banning the sport from the internet. I’ll gladly pay to watch F1, but only if it’s available online whenever the fuck I want to watch it. 

Pfft. Been done.

This is your first kid, isn’t it?

It’s just not the same without hearing “From the high desert in the great American southwest, I bid you all good evening...” from Art Bell’s deep, dulcet tones.