Geoff Canyon

Why orbit around the sun? Drop him *in* the sun, and you can be fairly confident no one will ever stumble upon him.

I’m going to say... all of them.

Per my math, that car is being subjected to about 80 Gs:

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Ha! I got my tabs crossed. What are the odds I would be looking at two separate time-travel related films at the same time. So ignore my spoiler and watch:

The time travel ship was covered with what looks like pupae of the butterflies, and one of them emerges and flies away. They’ve hitchhiked back from the future, and now the present is probably screwed.

My money’s on Toymaker’s clone.

Nicely done, but after the film version of Days of Future Past, these sentinels seem like weak sauce.

You’ll move more quickly if you wait less time to get on the escalator in the first place. If the escalator is not so busy that a crowd backs up, walking vs. standing is pointless.

Took me a minute to figure out the reference. I’m not saying it can’t be done. I’m saying:

Despite the obvious issues (compressing three books into one movie) the movie was in some ways *too* faithful to the books. The books are absurdist in the extreme. Translating that to a movie requires a delicate balance of skill and willingness and understanding to tweak to fit the medium. As one example, Jim Carrey

Sense8 was my first thought as well.

The thing I can’t get past: did Mateo actually take a deep breath, flip up the visor of his helmet *in space* to futz with something, and then flip his visor back down and exhale like it wasn’t any big thing!? Because that is shit science.

I don’t know why, but for some reason Hawk Girl’s mask/headgear is over the top for me. I have no clue why I can happily accept Thor’s shoulder pads, and Loki’s horns, but little nose and side-feather-looking-things are a problem, but there it is.

Came to write this. I’ve read TMiaHM about a half-dozen times, and I cry at the ending every time. (don’t bother mentioning The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, it doesn’t make it better)

Horses for courses. Heinlein often wrote about generally capable and smart people who are thrust into large situations and prove up to the task. Others, as you say, prefer more complicated protagonists. Some people like Van Gogh, others prefer Picasso. Heinlein may not be to your taste, as it seems from what you

“Slightly larger than a skateboard?!” That thing is enormous and unwieldy.

Honest question: why is seeing a woman raped worse than seeing a man’s head get cut off? I’m not saying that it isn’t, just wondering what makes it worse for people.

Lost me at, “The Galactic Civil War enacted an enormous toll on the people who fought it.” The word you’re looking for is exacted.

One of the bits trimmed for the theatrical release was that most/all of our computer technology was kickstarted by what we recovered from that ship in Area 51. So our computers being compatible with theirs wasn’t coincidence. The fact that their security was bad still stands though.

I’m playing it right now on safari without issue. Are you on the latest OS X/Safari versions? Also, I don’t have flash installed on my Mac, so it’s playing through HTML5 I assume.