Weird also when considering the main character in the Super Mario Bros. movie was Luigi.
Weird also when considering the main character in the Super Mario Bros. movie was Luigi.
I saw the original when it was a movie of the week. It left a very strong impression on me and I remembered the ending strongly all these years later. When I saw that a new version was coming out, I got a copy of the original on DVD.... and, sadly, was very disappointed. The pacing was all wrong and most of it was…
I never hated Buffy, except when she was out to kill Anya in "Selfless." You were supposed to hate her there, though.
Lifeforce: Space Vampires From Ronald Reagan's Asshole. The space ship even had polyps.
But Batman Returns was so much better than the first film!
I've been wondering the same thing since reading Cecelia Holland's Floating Worlds, back in the '70s.
I don't think it's time travel, either. Not unless Peter was able to stop at a barber shop to get that disturbing Ken-doll hair-do on the way.
A couple observations:
I kinda figured it was Walternate from the preview last week, but, while watching the show, I thought it was alt-Brandon going rogue. Alt-Brandon is pretty much the evillest of the doppelgängers so far, pure malice. Even his teeth seem razor sharp. Whereas our Brandon is a doll.
About the pills: it didn't make a whole lot of sense here, but it did make me think of Rosemary's Baby, adding to the whole pregnancy paranoia going on.
I kind of liked that everyone accepted that Bell was in Olivia's body without question, especially Broyles's "I want you out of my agent!" Interestingly, Nina was nowhere to be seen, even though she was prominent in the scenes from last week.
The previews from next week make it look rather amusing, with Peter's "don't listen to him....her" and Bellivia cackling, "This is exactly as I planned it!"
The murderous elements in both are paralleled is what I was trying to say.
The whole Alan Ruck plot clearly paralleled those in Peter's research on the shape shifters.
I agree that killing the shape shifters perhaps is not murder.... but in the episode, Olivia was on a manhunt to find the killer of the shape shifters, and Walter was very disturbed when he found out Peter was the killer. In last night's episode, Olivia is taken aback when Peter admits he did it, and really has no…
It was nice to see Astrid get kinda cranky with Walter for a change.
Futurama's Popplers.
I actually thought maybe he would test it on Fauxlivia, so the unborn child will have been Cortexiphanned.
Didn't Gunn ultimately become a vampire in the Angel comics?