I’m not saying there isn’t racism here, just that we have to take it with a grain of salt if nothing explicit was said.
I’m not saying there isn’t racism here, just that we have to take it with a grain of salt if nothing explicit was said.
Twitter is remarkably effective for customer complaints. I have gotten further with @ComcastCares than with their CSC or their website, and with better outcomes - for one example.
You in particular don’t care about fashion. That doesn’t make you a gender essentialist. Do you assume all men don’t know a thing about fashion and all women care about it a lot? Cuz THAT would make you a gender essentialist.
No, I think that the assumption that if you’re a guy, you must not care or know about fashion is why Kimmel was judged a gender essentialist. And, conversely, that all women must know and care about fashion.
Thats the fucked up part about it. It really does take a white person to call out racism for it to be recognized.
I’m glad her friend stepped up, but once again, the lesson is: Racism doesn’t occur unless a white person “seconds” it.
Spirit, sis? Don’t they nickel and dime you for everything? I heard you gotta pay extra if you want a working seat belt or something like that?
I’m sorry that you had shitty teachers.
Women are still women. Nothing negates that fact. That means they’ll be treated unfairly when compared to men. They’re more likely to be victims of sexual assault, they’ll get paid less on average, and they’re seeing their healthcare stripped away. Men of all races benefit from gender privilege in America, and a…
“The officers “arrived to investigate,” and “during the investigation, officers heard gunfire,” police said in the press release. Officer Pedro Gonzalez, the police department’s spokesman, said the officers were inside the house when they heard the gunfire, which caused a “chaotic scene with numerous people…
SHE is not assigning proper accents to white people she is merely saying you can get far if you SOUND white on the phone. That does not necessarily mean “proper” English so much as it means emulating the accent of the large swaths of local white people (at least those in power anyway.)
“I’m going to have to speak to your supervisor!”
Counterpoint: “sounding white” doesn’t have to mean “speaking properly.” Plenty of white people fail to “speak properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns.” I would know — I grew up in the Boston area. My whole family sounds white, but they sure as shit don’t sound “proper.”
Speaking properly: check
So let me get this. It’s called a dialect when you are white but it’s “ghetto-speak” when it’s black. How’s your American?
Go fuck yourself. From deep down in the bottom of my very own whiteness, go fuck yourself.
You make a very good case for Serena Is Also A Dork. Maybe what I’m really feeling is that she’s like, a lot more attractive than him? Maybe he’s just not my type. Maybe I’m a judgemental bitch. Maybe it’s a little of both.
We aren’t buying it because it’s BULLSHIT. This woman fetishizes black men and as mentioned by many former students, was openly hostile to her black female students. She stole their stories and passed them off as her own. She condescends to black people so fucking much that she puts us on like a costume and then has…
Bless you for having the patience to break this all down for that fool.