
What King said is nowhere near the same thing as “Hate begets hate.” And, it’s not antithetical to killing racists in the slightest.

“And I certainly don’t believe that “hate begets hate” is an unrevokable truth. I believe that it has been discussed and tested in myriad ways for centuries and has always bore out.”

“ Just regular old Cletus who loves white power but would never have the gumption to actually hurt someone.”

You think people are racist because they haven’t been taught that Nazis are bad?

That punch could have been lethal.

“I don’t know how many of you keyboard warriors have ever traded actual blows with actual white supremacists, but I have, and the world did not become a better place.”

I love that this is only a philosophical debate to you, but, this is some people’s real fucking lives lol.

You think the victims of white supremacists simply hate white supremacists because they think of them as “other”?

I’m still gagged by him bringing up a damn t-shirt to back up his ally bonafides lmao

““I only hate them, because they hate me!”

No, they literally don’t.

It is to suggest that retaliation due to violence and fear is the same as enacting said violence and fear lmao

He’s literally on a post about POC facing violence, saying that we don’t face violence, while insisting that he gives a damn about us the entire time .

Not you using a damn t-shirt as a signifier of your “ally” cred L M A O

No, you’re being excoriated for equating the victims of violent oppression with their aggressors.

Never change Benvolio lol

Being gay has nothing to do with being an ignorant white guy lol.

Why would a POC not hate white supremacists?

How did you fight them exactly?

What’s the connection here, idgi.