How did you fight them exactly?
How did you fight them exactly?
Sam Biddle being a scumbag and Sam Biddle making a post about a woman making a racist “joke” have nothing to do with each other lol.
What’s the connection here, idgi.
Equality is ignoring how race plays a part in violence and its aftermath?
This is rich
Girl... what?
So, you are white?
Girl... Are you a person of color?
Talking about the multiple facets of violence doesn’t make any act better or worse. It’s just acknowledging how complex it is.
So you get why it’s bad that a man assaulted a woman, but you don’t understand why it’s bad that a white person assaulted a black person in the most degrading manner possible? Interesting.
Yep, the real aggrieved party here is the school.
Except Apple’s iOS and macOS actually talk to each other in ways that MS never was able to get out of beta.
“of a few”
To expect that from Essential is merely a first-world wish.
That’s not surprising lol
Lol k
Literally no one said that you and other white people shouldn’t participate in conversations like this.
You and Black people have different definitions of “trying” .
But, bottom line, anything positive really should be encouraged and anything negative ought to be discouraged.