
Confused by what? He thinks it’s a bad phone. It’s an expensive phone too. This adds up to a device that the author thinks isn’t worthwhile for anyone.

“It is a phone, that on top of the phone thing can browse the web, take pictures, handle banking transactions etc. I think it is time we get back to the fact that this is all quite remarkable in any event.”

Who has zero knowledge of Android or iOS in 2015?

There might be issues with Theranos tho

No, it’s not cheaper than either of them and Apple has no interest in making the iPhone more expensive.

You really just wanted something to yell about.

You can definitely see recent posts via the newest version of the app, and Facebook Messenger is actually a fantastic app and better than the built-in option ever was.

Why would you want to stick with an old version?

You can do it with Google Photos on the mobile apps for sure, I’ve never tried on the desktop tho.

The youngest (7) put on a nice shirt and tie and played his violin (“Ode to Joy”, but really slow so it’d be sad).

That’s such a gross antiblack thing to say.

“diva femmebot stereotype”

By giving up I mean you’re forced to use a random GV number unless you’re willing to pay to port your number over.

I’m not trying to be funny and I’m being 100% sincere when I ask this: Does Blackberry get native apps that are worth talking about anymore?

You don’t see any difference in a third-party OEM known for incorporating half-baked gimmicks that aren’t widely supported by third-party devs into their devices and a vertically integrated OEM that is known for its dev support?

That’s literally not based in reality.

Wow you’re really willing to die on this particular hill.

I ugly laughed.

GV has supported MMS to and from every carrier since last November.