
That's really all you took from this. You have to be the good guy as much as possible.


Yeah you don't get it.

What was the point of stating those statistics in this article?

do it all the time, Bethany.

the whole is that what you're doing is NOT helping. Why do you think intentions matter so much?

... You're comparing black people being upset to gassing people.

You see? You don't even want to listen. Don't pretend the discourse is polarizing when you don't give a shit in the first place.


according to who? Your own persecution complex?

I'm nauseous tbh

If you don't "See color" you're part of the problem.

Did you read the article?

I literally laughed out loud. Thanks for that.

What are you even talking about? Are you white?

Where is the author telling white people not to help?

Grow up

It means instead of hogging megaphones allow the people that are ACTUALLY affected to speak at all time.

I think we're talking around each other and I'm too tired to further explain myself. Sorry.