Why did you feel it was relevant? Why did you feel the need to fawn over a racist in an article about Saartjie Baartman?
Why did you feel it was relevant? Why did you feel the need to fawn over a racist in an article about Saartjie Baartman?
Why do I continue to talk to straight old white nerds?
Bigoted? Bigoted how? Please explain how laughing at clueless straight people being against telling kids not to use oil-based lubes with condoms is bigoted?
You're definitely straight, old and clueless.
This really helped me zone in on your demo
Lol, because lube can't damage condoms?
Oh my god. Have you never heard that term used before in regards to social justice issues?
A white who thinks you can be racist towards whites AND doesn't grasp figurative language?
oh my god
Not if you're talking over the voices of people who are actually affected by said issue
Did you even read my comment? Because I clearly stated that Google was representing white queers because there are a lot of white queers.
What's that term?
Wait, I don't know what you're replying to now because of Kinja. What is this in response to?
No, just that tumblr has a vocal white queer segment. Just like nearly every other queer space.
No, the only way to care about is to shut up, listen to the people who are actually affected by it, and to help them enact the change THEY want to see.
No, if you really cared about trans issues you would be listening to what trans people actually want. Not inserting your opinion into what doesn't affect you at all.
No I'm saying you google results only show white people
"It's mindboggling that you continue to insist that you can tell a person's sexual orientation just by looking at them and yet can't come up with even a single example of a method of visually identifying a straight person."