Isn't evolution the word to describe the whole thing while evolvement describes one step after another of the evolving part?
Isn't evolution the word to describe the whole thing while evolvement describes one step after another of the evolving part?
Watch Dogs. The reason why i will buy a PS4
ah thankies is the right word evolvement?
Sometimes evolvment is not needed if something is great already. Not all games need to re-invent themselfes like Devil May Cry to name such an example where the evolution lead to less sales and angry fans of the previous games
^^ this
No..not at all.
Someone ask EA please how long the Servers will be online. 2 Years? 3? 5? Will Sim City become useless if the servers are turned off or will there be an offline mode after that?
aww sad nintendo fan is sad....
Lol i dunno about the American legs since i am European/German and together with a girl from Poland who has wonderful legs too. I did not want to say that Japanese girls have ugly legs, but i don't get the deal why they should be edited with Photoshop etc to make them longer and thinner so they look like what Marcy…
Those are really ugly (edited) chicken legs. And something like that is sexy there?
I don't see a problem there, the last games he created were made over ten years ago, if you want to play a real miyamoto game you would have to play the first 5 super mario bros/world/64 games again as well as the first 6 zelda's
Damn true. The fanboys will defend him now though..expect some angry replies by them.
Which does not change the fact that he is more a "poster / pr boy" for Nintendo now and not a real game inventing producer anymore.
Worst Sim City since the horrible Sim City 2000 port for the Playstation 1
Nobody cares for the gender, we care for the articles. ..and these are bad..especially this one.
Holy shit, articles like that deserve nothing but critique no matter who wrote them, but Patricia writes one stupid article after another since almost two months now. It looks like she writes for the wrong site.
Another really stupid Patricia Hernandez article.
There were problems with other always online games by Ubisoft in the past like assassins creed 2 and settlers too..and not just in the first days.
Will these servers eventualy go down as the game grows older?
Don't Buy EA games. Don't buy games which need always an online connection= The Solution.