
If you like Castlevania, the Series not just this game and the other LoS game(s) take a look at this Castlevania Artwork Tribute just published today!

Protector 2?

I tolerate your opinion, but nay..the old games were a ton better.

Bring back old Devil May Cry games and characters and i might buy your dlc, capcom.

Pretty cool, i wish them fun and motivation to create a really cool free fighting game

This means the Kotaku article writers are actually not first graders?

I never buy games which require an always online connection. Especially not if i want to play them alone.

Hope its better than re-shelled.

Hehe....good one.

Would not even buy it for 10 euro since its an EA game.

Don't buy Electronic Arts games.

Ah, than i got it wrong, i read about 70 mill before but that was for Shenmue 1&2 and not just 1...still a damn big number for a crowdfunded project

A crowdfunded Shenmue III would be awesome but its a very unrealistic goal to achive if the game would try to be on par with modern graphics. Back in 1998 the production of Shenmue I costed around 70 million dollars already, today a game of that scale (AAA) would probably cost the double amount and while there are

So its like here on Kotaku when you article writers are having mistakes like wrong game names, release years etc in the articles and people mention them but nothing gets changed?

wow..the wiiU can handle a game developed for an six year old console?

am pretty sure 50% or more of us readers started to really dislike these articles about those twins. I wonder what the backgrounf behind them is, Are they releated or befriended to the article writer, or is it just a clickbaiting article series?

You and your articles like this one really suck @Kirk Hamilton. Stop promoting these not very talented musicans, or promote at least different musicans every week instead of the same ones again and again.

Cevat Yerli SUCKS

Since the PS4 is not even out yet, those are PC screenshots for sure.
