
Monster Hunter in Japan for sure.. Pikmin 3...hmm not so sure. I doubt Aliens and Rayman Legends will be good sellers in Japan but i really wish Rayman Legends will be a success here in the USA and Europe at least. About Aliens..its going to be a great game but i bet it will be a lot more success on the other 3

Now playing

nananana nananana hey hey hey...good bye!

The situation reminds me at the Nintendo 64 launch

And who guarantee's me that you have a good taste in video games in general? ;-)

Game Reviewers who play for pay just love easy games.

Edward eh? Beside showing a damn bad taste already through liking the horrible mess which are these two staring at each other twins you are not a Twilight fan by any chance as well?

Fuck you SquareEnix. And fuck this horrible game and everyone who is responsible for it.

I think thats just a good way of "recycling" and getting a good amount of clicks together again without much effort

It's Kotaku.

Oh, nice that LoneFireWarrior gets a feature here on Kotaku. He is a very cool and talented just 22 years old artist who participated in a couple of my game related art projects on already like with his Stryker and Sub Zero from Mk9 for the Mortal Kombat Tribute and a SF Alpha Chun Li for

why not for the xbox360 or the wiiU too?

it did

^^ that free game you mean was not really made by capcom if we want to be 100% correct ;)

^^ this

Or i am someone who uses this site and its visitors for own sites sometimes ;)

Its a kotaku article..those are usually full with mistakes and wrong infos. Totilo believes also that Onimusa was released for the XBOX360 lol...

There are so many errors /mistakes in that article that i wonder if Stephen Totilo played even half of the listed games.

Same would most likely happen on Miiverse /WiiU as well.

IOS = no buy from me.

There will be more than 3 or 4 good games on the wiiU this year of course, but i meant those directly made by Nintendo like Pikmin 3